Jason and I took the kids (minus Sutton who stayed home with Grandma & Grandpa to take a nap) to The Grove in L.A. on Sunday after church. We mainly went to get their new dolls some new outfits. This was Jameson's first trip where he had a doll (we call it a Bitty Baby, not an American Girl Doll). He enjoyed being able to participate in the fun while at the American Girl Store. They put their money together and purchased a 4 pack of doll costumes that included, a butterfly, bumble bee, dinosaur & superhero. They dressed their doll in their new costumes on the way home and Jameson hasn't taken off little George's superhero costume yet!
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever; with my mouth will I make known Your faithfulness to all generations. Psalms 89:1
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Visiting American Girl @ The Grove
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
When we are at my mom & dad's house for Christmas this is what our celebration looks like:
Christmas Eve church service & Aunt Bertha's tamales, Mom's rice & beans~the best you've ever had! Celebrate with my dad's family.
Christmas Day-gifts, breakfast, my mom's family comes over, more gifts, eat a delicious dinner, watch the Laker game, dessert...a late night walk in attempt to walk off a few of the pieces of See's Candy I ate! (i think i have eaten a whole pound of candy over the course of our week here).
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Jameson's Preschool Christmas Party
than hanging out with us for pictures.
Note the tie...totally his idea.
(I was surprised at the request when I was getting him ready, but secretly I was yelling "yeah!")
Even tonight, when I was praising his singing, he said it was too short.
Jameson's Karate Finale
Note how happy Ms.Bridget looks now that it is over.
Okay, I haven't felt such anxiety as I felt on Tuesday afternoon. Jameson has been taking "karate" at The Little Gym for the past 3 months or so. He LOVES it! The class has 2 teachers and about 6 students...all BOYS ages 4-6.
This past Tuesday was their last class. The parents and some grandparents were invited into the gym to watch them demonstrate what they had "learned" (although I do not believe that you have to teach a 4 yr. old boy to be physical!). The class does recite a little saying before beginning, stating that they won't use their Karate on family, friends or pets (wheh!!), but only if their life is in danger. (hey you never know, right?)
This past Tuesday was their last class. The parents and some grandparents were invited into the gym to watch them demonstrate what they had "learned" (although I do not believe that you have to teach a 4 yr. old boy to be physical!). The class does recite a little saying before beginning, stating that they won't use their Karate on family, friends or pets (wheh!!), but only if their life is in danger. (hey you never know, right?)
It was HILARIOUS to say the least...Jameson did great, as long as he could stay focused on the teacher and keep his hands and his softee sword to himself. If they were a movie genre, Little boys would be an action thriller, comedy and mystery all rolled into one!
Candy Eating at Grandma's..I mean, Making Gingerbread Houses
When the Neese grandchildren turn 3 years old you are granted rights to "the making of the gingerbread houses" with grandma and grandpa Neese. Linda prepares all the houses and fixins'. The 5 grandkids arrive after church with great anticipation! The afternoon probably goes something like this... decorate-eat candy-decorate-make messy-eat candy-decorate-eat a pizza dinner-and if you are jameson, probably eat some more candy!
They look forward to this annual Christmas time event. The houses turn out so cute! They look good enough to eat...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Annual Christmas Celebration with Friends
Girl Time!
Waiting Patiently for the Gift-Giving to Begin!
Tonight we got together with our good friends, the Olson and Saltzman Families, for our annual Christmas dinner and gift exchange. Our children are all around the same age, and we each have 3 kiddies, so they play wonderfully together. Except that this year, Meran, Sydney & Kayla (all 7 yrs. old) were a little annoyed at times with the younger boys, who would energetically burst thru the rooms, because they were trying to have "girl"time.
This year we met at the Saltzman's home, which fit all 15 of us nicely.
It was relaxing and festive and as usual, our time ended too quickly together.
We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Christmas Tree Lane
"Ooooh" was Sutton's exclamation, all wide eyed.
We started off by gorging, I mean eating dinner, at the DogHouse Grill. Yum!
Luckily walked the Christmas Tree Lane.
It is a tree lined neighborhood with homes that have been there atleast 80 years.
The neighborhood transforms itself into "Christmas Tree Lane" for the month of December...this was its 87th year! I read that it takes them 3 months to prepare the homes with lights and decor!
We piled the kids into the wagon and strollers and off we walked!
Being opening night there were so many people (and dogs!)...music, lights, animation and even Santa was there!
I hope we make it an annual tradition. Everyone had a Merry time!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Hearts full of Gratitude
We went downtown to the local Rescue Mission to help out where ever we were needed. The kids were very excited for this new adventure! It was amazing at how many volunteers they had, so there wasn't too much for us to do (we dished up pie and separated the paper plates).
But it was a very fun way to begin our Thanksgiving day, off on the right foot.
After a brief call with "Far Away" Grandma & Grandpa (how Jameson refers to my parents) we went to Jason's parents, just down the road. It was such lovely weather the big kids spent most of the day outside playing. Delicious food, football, card games (not for me, ofcourse!)and the reading of ALL the sale adds. Happy Thanksgiving! God is good~all the time.
"Enter His gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his loves endures forever, his faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:4-5
"Enter His gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his loves endures forever, his faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:4-5
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Pioneer Woman
My friend, Robyn, a fan of checking blogs, favors the blog of one, Ree Drummond, a.k.a. Pioneer Woman.
So, a few of us took a one day trip to L.A. to see The Pioneer Woman. Intially, I thought we were going to see a comedian...I was unfamiliar with her blog that apparantly has thousands of followers. Well, although she is very funny, it was not a "show", but rather a signing for her newly released cookbook The Pioneer Woman Cooks. It is a beautiful cookbook with lots of personal photography of her family on their Oklahoma Cattle Ranch, narrated with short stories, and of course, some delicious recipes that I cannot wait to try! Even Jason said that it made him want to cook after thumbing thru this cookbook!
Our day began early, at 6:30am...Myself, Karin, Robyn, and Carolyn piled into the Tahoe and zoomed toward L.A.! We had to make it to Borders in Torrance to purchase our cookbook and obtain the "yellow" wristband that ensured us a space at the front of the book signing line-that wasn't until 5pm! We did it!
After perusing the clearance books at Borders (which, I might add, is a great selection!) we grabbed Starbucks and made our way to The Grove (my real reason for getting up so early!).
We whirl winded our way thru the shops we loved and had a quick bite at the delicious cafe-like restaurant, The Farm.
Once getting back to Borders we waited a short while to see The Pioneer Woman. She had a Q & A time, where I realized how much some of these ladies LOVE her and I am pretty sure hang on her every breathe! We were in the first "80" or so gals in the book signing line, with atleast 150 more behind us. Ree/The Pioneer Woman seems nice and very down to earth, but Karin and I never actually met her because Robyn and Carolyn were star-struck(their words, not mine) and had oh-so-much to ask/tell her! (love you girls:)...it was fun!)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Soccer Finally 09
Well, another soccer season under Meran's belt. Though, she is not the least bit pleased to see it done. The Lady Dragons had their final season game on Saturday morning against the Pink Diamonds. The girls played great and it was a good note to end the season on. We had our team party on Sunday afternoon at the Zwart's home, very gracious hosts indeed! I never thought I'd say this, but I LOVE SOCCER (when my kids are playing, anyway!). Jameson's turn is coming in the late winter...stay tuned...he will be playing his first team sport. T-Ball. Play Ball!
They Tickle Me...
I am going to use this blog as a journal right now...because I have started and stopped so many paper journals that I lost count. The kids have been very entertaining lately. I guess because as they grow, so do their communication skills and it is oh so fun to listen to!
Jameson has had some really good questions lately...but the one that sticks in my mind is when he asked yesterday in all seriousness and wonder,"Mommy, does chocolate milk turn into poop in your tummy?"
Sutty is learning to pray. When we hold hands at the dinner table he jabbers away in a quiet, sweet little voice with whoever is praying for our meal. We all like to peek at him doing this! It is just so cute to watch a 17 month old mimic prayer!
On the way to school, on Friday, Meran was reading the boys one of Sutton's Bible board books. Each page has a very brief (like 3-4 sentences long) Bible story.
Meran was reading the story of Moses. The picture was of Moses as a baby in a basket in the river. After reading the brief summary on Moses, Meran closed the book and said," Okay, Bubba, do you want to know why baby Moses is in this basket in the first place?"
Jameson, caught up in awe of his sister's storytelling, said "Why?"
So, Meran goes on to tell Jameson about how Pharoah wanted all Hebrew baby boys to die, etc, etc...then before hopping out of the car to run to class she said,"Jameson, ask your teacher to tell you about it during Bible time!"
Jameson has had some really good questions lately...but the one that sticks in my mind is when he asked yesterday in all seriousness and wonder,"Mommy, does chocolate milk turn into poop in your tummy?"
Sutty is learning to pray. When we hold hands at the dinner table he jabbers away in a quiet, sweet little voice with whoever is praying for our meal. We all like to peek at him doing this! It is just so cute to watch a 17 month old mimic prayer!
On the way to school, on Friday, Meran was reading the boys one of Sutton's Bible board books. Each page has a very brief (like 3-4 sentences long) Bible story.
Meran was reading the story of Moses. The picture was of Moses as a baby in a basket in the river. After reading the brief summary on Moses, Meran closed the book and said," Okay, Bubba, do you want to know why baby Moses is in this basket in the first place?"
Jameson, caught up in awe of his sister's storytelling, said "Why?"
So, Meran goes on to tell Jameson about how Pharoah wanted all Hebrew baby boys to die, etc, etc...then before hopping out of the car to run to class she said,"Jameson, ask your teacher to tell you about it during Bible time!"
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Harvest Festival
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- Visiting American Girl @ The Grove
- Merry Christmas
- Addilyn Joy
- Huntington Harbour Cruise of Lights
- Happy Birthday Jesus Cake
- Jameson's Preschool Christmas Party
- Jameson's Karate Finale
- Candy Eating at Grandma's..I mean, Making Gingerbr...
- Annual Christmas Celebration with Friends
- Christmas Tree Lane