Go Lady Dragons...today we had the first soccer game of the season, or should I say two games! We had a doubleheader! Whew-what a day for that! It was HOT HOT HOT and our games we later in the day, but the girls did awesome! We have such a nice team. 5 out of 7 attend school with Meran and Cousin Rylee is on the team too! Jason and Eric (his older brother) have coached the girls' team for the last 3 years together so that they could be on the same team! It is so fun!
We won the first game! Meran had 2 assists and 1 goal and nearly got overheated because she just runs-runs-runs the whole time. She definitely didn't get that from her mom! Remembering back to my old softball days (ugh!)...I would just stand there in outfield and try to not to get hit by the ball. Not our Meran...she hustles after it! I am so proud of her (can't tell, can you!?).
Second game we tied. The girls were so pooped-out from the heat and the previous game. It is so fun to watch~and I've never even played soccer! I yelled/cheered alot-which reminds me of my mother at my brothers' water polo games~I use to get embarrassed, but now I understand and just can't seem to help myself!