Thursday, August 28, 2014


Had a Thoracentesis yesterday...apparently 3rd time is a charm. After 7 weeks since my last one, my fluid accumulation has slowed down. Half the amount was removed! I'm very thankful for this and I'm hoping this means I'll see positive results in my scans next Wednesday. No new growth, to me, will be good news and better news would be that the cancer has shrunk. But whatever the results I will still trust God.
Another blessing is that Jameson's 3rd grade class has chosen to take on our family as their service project the semester. They will be praying for us and recycling materials for money, which they will then donate to us to help pay for the extra (alternative) therapies I'm doing, that insurance does not cover. What a blessing. Not only for us, but for Jameson, that he has such supportive friends & classmates. 
It's only been about 3 months since I was re-diagnosed, and I know people are busy with their own lives, but they continue to remember us, pray for us, encourage us, love on us. We feel so supported and that gives me joy. Thank you.

Please start praying NOW for easy access to my vein the day of the scan. I don't want a repeat of last time! (1 1/2 hours and 3 people to access a vein). 

Took this little one to Disneyland Tuesday, she starts 
preschool next week!

Thursday, August 21, 2014


I met with my oncologist yesterday, to check in. She listened to my breathing and thought she heard fluid again. Once again I had no clue. Although, this time, about 6 wks after my last thoracentesis, there seems to be less fluid then last time. So that's "good" news, that the fluid accumulation seems to be slowing down. Since it's not bothering me, I will wait a few more weeks to have another thoracentesis, right before my petscan (which I'll be scheduling very soon for mid to late September).

The 3 older kids started school Monday. Bellen will start preschool 2 days a week in September.
Meran is in Junior High (whaaaaaat???)...she is excited about it ALL-the lockers, changing classes, new friends, a bit more freedom, dance for p.e. and cheerleading! Jameson is 3rd grade...super happy to be back with his friends and thoroughly enjoying his new teacher & his new desk we got him for homework time.
Sutton is in kindergarten. He is happy to be a "big kid" and is doing great being a good listener and learning the ropes of the rock academy. He is very tired by the time he gets home, but nothing an early bedtime can't remedy!
Here's to a great 2014-15 school year! May God get all the glory.

Monday, August 18, 2014


So apparently, I'm not a very generous person. Ouch. The truth hurts. I am learning all kinds of new things on this journey o' mine, and one of them is that people, my people (friends/family), are SUPER generous. It's caused me to self reflect and think, "would I do that?". When I'm not quick to answer "yes", I am disappointed. But, I know that I am clay...being molded, dried, cracked again, melted down and re-molded as needed. This time, through the fire, the Potter is helping me to learn to be generous. For that grace I am thankful.
Today I received a letter from an elementary aged girl from near Visalia. She is in 4H and raised and sold a lamb at the fair. The people who purchased her lamb from her were "very generous" to her and she felt that she wanted to pay it forward. She heard about me and our family and gifted us some money.
Lesson learned.

Sunday, August 17, 2014


How can you love someone you haven't met? "Baby Kylie" as the kids and I refer to her ...Meran and I pray for her each night and they often ask me for updates. This Saturday is another fundraiser for her-if you live in SD please go! All proceeds go to Kylie, and I'll see you there!:)
September (sneaking up on us quickly) is Childhood Cancer Awareness. Be aware, be in prayer.

Speaking to me...

"If we cannot believe God when circumstances seem be against us, we do not believe Him at all."
-Charles Spurgeon

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Last Summer Fling

We spent a few days in Palm Desert, enjoying the dry heat, pools, each other & the last few days of "freedom". 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Baseball, Birthday, Fish & Family

This past weekend was busy, but fun-busy. Than, Leslie and the girls stayed with us. We all went to the Padres game, with church and Jameson got to announce the hitter kicking off the top of the 3rd inning. He was a little nervous but did a great job! He was even on the jumbo-tron!

The next morning Jason & his brother left at the crack of dawn to go deep sea fishing. They caught Barracuda (no thanks) and Sea Bass (yes please). We would have cooked them for dinner, but opted to have a grown-ups night out to celebrate Jason's birthday and our babysitter took care of all 6 kids (thanks Kendra!).

Health-wise, I'm feeling pretty good, thanks in part to hbot. I'm feeling better than I was even last month. I'm planning on continuing the hbot beyond the typical 40 sessions since it is giving me energy. I'm able to do that because of all of you who have given so generously to help me pay for hbot. Thank you, thank you, thank you....I will be forever grateful!

Now, off to enjoy and purposely, slowly soak in the last week of summer!

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