Monday, May 9, 2016

Seeing in the Dark

Isn't it so cool how the Lord created our eyes to adjust to the complete darkness over time? When everything goes black, at first, I feel almost panic-like. Grasping for something to hold on to. Kind of flustered. Then, a bit of time passes and our eyes adjust. Things start to come into focus and all of a sudden it doesn't seem pitch black anymore. Pretty soon, you can actually "see" in the "dark". And then it just seems normal.
This is a perfect depiction of our life the past 2 years. 

Dark and scary
Adjustment to the dark
Now we see light. Lots of light.
While still in the dark (as in still have cancer)

It's amazing when other things, things that aren't really important, are shadowed by this darkness bringing to light what is.
was reminded yesterday, Mother's Day, as I sat in church with my kids, went the ball game with them and read and heard their love for me thru poems and cards, that this was one of the things I prayed for, begged for, from God. Time. Pure and simple. Time with my kids. And yesterday was another Mother's Day in the books for us. I don't like to think about them having to face a Mother's Day without me, which is a reality for many, I know. But it may be in their future. However, for now, I'm feeling good! I'm looking healthy;). And I have time, sweet time, with my 4 reasons. They are the reason I fight the good fight, cry, laugh, ponder the future, cry out to the Lord for healing, trust His all knowing plan. 
My eyes have adjusted and I'm seeing the light.

I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord...wait for the LORD; be strong, let your heart take courage. Psalm 27:13-14 nasb 


  1. May our God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ be your strength.
    Check out the Truth about cancer, pray and ask God for His wisdom!
    For His glory forever.

  2. Yes I receive the email from the truth about cancer


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