Monday, March 2, 2015

Being Thankful in the Circumstantial Rituals

I performed my 3 month cancer ritual today, which I first began last May. The Pet/Ct Scan.
It has become as familiar as a dentist appointment. I pick up conversations that I started a few months ago. Dan, Claude, and the blonde nurse that is just a few months younger then me but looks 30, whom I can never remember her name, but speak to her as if I do.
It is so easy to forget to be thankful in the mundane. These circumstantial rituals. The things we do day in and day out, or, in this case, every few months:).
I'm thankful that Dan is at work every time I need an IV start. God totally hooks me up each time!
I'm thankful I have insurance that covers such procedures & medicines ...I cannot imagine having to pay the $2800 for my bi-weekly chemo!
I'm thankful to have so many praying for me.
I'm thankful that I am at a place where we anticipate the scan results with great hope and much prayer, that the cancer will lessen.
I'm thankful for His promises and His faithfulness to each of us, in everything...even these cancer rituals.

I will delight myself in Your statutes, I will not forget Your word. Psalm 119:16

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is so amazing and inspiring. Thank you for sharing it. Faith like yours can move mountains.


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