Monday, October 21, 2013

2 years ago

So much has happened in the past 2 years, almost feels like a lifetime when I really think about it.
It just donned on me yesterday that around this time, 2 years back, in October 2011, I began a new chapter that I never foresaw being written. I had just been diagnosed with breast cancer and we simultaneously decided to relocate 5+ hours away to San Diego, to follow Jason's call to ministry there. What an emotionally/spiritually stretching and exciting time that was...and continues to be!
God has shown Himself in a new way to me, that probably otherwise wouldn't have happened if I hadn't had cancer, or had stayed put in our comfortable, predictable life. NOT to say that He wouldn't have been the same amazing big God, but rather, that I would not have realized aspects of His unchanging character because I wouldn't have "needed" to. 
I am currently in a sweet season of having a heart so so full of gratitude. Trying hard to thank Him in all circumstances, remembering where He has brought me, but mostly for who He is. I change, He is the same yesterday, today and forever. I am weak, He is Strong. I am a sinner, He saved me by grace. The list could go on. It's very mood changing( you know how us girls can be moody;), you should try it. 
Here are a whole bunch of other things I am thankful for...

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